Monday, July 27, 2015

Brief reunion with Thailand (7-26)

When I arrived in Bangkok Thursday evening, Pokpak met me at the airport. It was so nice to see a friendly face waving to me. She had agreed to let me leave my big suitcase in her apartment while I travel. When I saw that her apartment is one room, I especially appreciated this. As I thought through my travel plans, I realized that I’ll pass through Bangkok four times, and she was gracious enough to say I can stay with her overnight each time. Although I’d met her a couple times at Khun Yindee’s house, I’d never spent any time with her. So this was a good opportunity to get to know her on a personal basis.

Thursday night we had dinner at a place near her apartment. My first Thai food for a year. The ginger chicken was so delicious that I ate most of it quickly. I was also hungry from traveling and having time go back an hour. So it was almost 9:00 China time when we ate.

My traveling to Thailand at this time was planned so I could spend the weekend in Singburi. I wanted to see Tuk before leaving Asia. I was a little hesitant about going there because they always have me stay with Khun Tik and Khun Jalasi, my original host family, and the last time I was there I hardly saw them and it felt strange. However, this time they were all smiles when greeting me. Since my Thai language is pretty much gone, I can’t really talk to them, but we shared lots of smiles.

When we arrived, I saw the whole family. Khun Warawan gave me two Thai silk bags, which are their current project for selling in the market. I was happy to see that she looks really good again, as the last time she was still looking weak from her experience with cancer. Friday night I went with Tuk to have dinner with her friends. We met them at a fish restaurant I’d been with her before. So the meal was fish, shrimp, and soft crab curry. I think I ate most of the crab, as it’s one of my favorite dishes.

Tuk had planned to do something with me on Saturday, but her assistant at the coffee shop took the day off; so she had to work. I hung out there with her for a while. Maprong took me to get a haircut and walk around the wat. She’s a high school senior now and hopes to get into the top university in the country. She wants to come to the U.S. in five years—after she graduates from university.

In the evening, Tuk, Maprong, and I went to Tesco-Lotus to eat at her friend’s shop there. I had somtom and fish soup. Two more favorite Thai foods. After dinner, we did some yoga, as they wanted to learn a few moves.

Sunday I had a two-hour Thai massage (cost 240 bahts/$7), which was one of the things I’d thought about doing there if Tuk had to work. It was really good. The man spent most of the time on my legs. Since many places hurt a lot when he pressed on them, I guess the work was needed. For lunch I had pad Thai, the last of the foods I really wanted to eat that weekend. Then it was time to return to Bangkok. 

I was really glad to have seen everyone and to have some time with Tuk.

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